Udemy – Arm and hand anatomy exercises course – 5884710

So you want to draw and sculpt beautiful prizmatic aliens and you think this course will help you achieve that?


I am sorry to dissapoint you, but this course is not for beautiful prismatic aliens, but arms and hands.


Yes, it is a bit sad, but this course will teach you about arm muscles, shapes and all the tips and tricks in drawing and sculpting arms and hands that i have learned trough the years.



My name is Niko and i am 3D character artist and a teacher with more than 20 000 students with my video courses, and thousands of subscribers on my two youtube channels. I have over 15 years experiense in the gaming industry, making 3D characters.


I have courses that will teach you Zbrush, Blender, human anatomy and 3D character creation.



In this course we will start by learning about the base shapes of the arm and hand, and then adding and sculpting muscle groups over the arm bones one by one, creating a whole arm.


Following we will do a little fun experiment by making an arm from a chain.


Then we will do the first exercise by making an arm based on Bridgeman anatomy. After that we will do realistic arm, arm with planes for better understanding of the main shapes, a huge Hulk arm, so we learn how to make bulky muscles. Then we will make a thin and gentle female arm. We will rest a bit by making a fist and talking about all the things you should be careful when making it. We will then make a folded arm with two positions of the palm.


At the end we will go over all we have talked in the whole exercise course and make another arm.



As a bonus we will go trough what connects the arm and the body.



This course is made for everyone who want to bump up their sculpting or dwaring arm and hand skills. It can be followed with pen and paper, in Blender, Photoshop, Zbrush or any drawing or sculpting program of your choice. I personally used Blender for making this course since it is absolutely free and amazing progam :).



Lets dive in to the world of arms and have fun with those exercises!