Udemy – Blender Architecture Masterclass – 4216346

This masterclass is your comprehensive guide to integrating Blender into your architectural workflows with efficiency and effectiveness. From generating detailed architectural massings to producing compelling visualizations, Blender facilitates a design process that is both expansive and refined. This course empowers you to unlock your creative potential with the assistance of Blender.


What’s Covered in the Course


This masterclass spans the entirety of Blender’s application in the architectural design process, ensuring you’re equipped to handle any project:


  • Initial Setup and Essential Settings: Start your Blender journey on the right foot with an understanding of essential settings that streamline your design workflow.

  • Modeling Techniques: Learn to create detailed architectural elements and structures with precision and flair.

  • Procedural and Parametric Modeling: Harness the power of procedural modeling and parametric setups for dynamic and adaptable designs.

  • Exploring Geometry Nodes: Learn how to use Geometry Nodes for instancing and for parametric wall creations

  • Materials and Textures: Add depth to your designs through understanding materials and textures

  • Optimizing Rendering Settings: Learn rendering settings and camera angles that highlight the best of your designs.

  • Post-Processing: Enhance the visual appeal of your projects with post-processing techniques that add the finishing touches


By the end of this course, you’ll have a robust foundation in using Blender to transform your ideas into beautifully presentable design projects. Whether you’re enhancing your professional skills or embarking on a new design journey, this course has everything you need to succeed.


Learn from an experienced Architect!


Over the years working as an architect, and later as a project designer in distinguished firms in London, I have perfected utilising Blender for Architecture, ranging in scale from small pavilions, to buildings, and to whole masterplans. Why did I create this course? When I had a team to manage, I had to teach them Blender one on one, on the job, and I had to work overtime to then do my job! I thought, why not start creating courses with everything I’ve learned and share them with my co-workers, and with other interested students. Then I found out that I love teaching and now I am on a mission to show as many architects and designers the wonders that Blender can do for realising their designs.