Udemy – Master Blender 3D With Top Addons, Unity3D & AI Tools. – 5938754

In this course we will learn how to deal with blender addons. We see how to make realistic 3D moss and make photorealistic nature scene Render. Using Mossify users add procedural moss to 3D models inside Blender, controlling the results with a simple set of parameters for the underlying noise pattern, and the size and density of the moss strands and ‘leaves’.


Setting Moss Density to 0 results in a simple moss texture that can be used in long shots.


Next we see how to make realistic waterfalls using displacement shaders using the Eevee render engine.


Since it does not use deforming geometry, so you can create waterfalls dynamically in real-time.


After that we have a water simulation based addon. Add water effects to your scene super quickly with aquatiq. Instead of spending hours creating complex simulations, you add simple planes with animation sequences that can be previewed in the viewport.


Also in this course we will learn about Convai AI. Convai AI is a conversational AI-based service that allows developers to bring characters to life in virtual worlds, games, metaverse, and other applications. The tool works by enabling a character with human-like conversation capabilities and connecting it to NPC assets inside game engines.
