Udemy – Racing Car and Epic Online Services “EOS” in Unreal Engine 5 – 5894702

Are you ready to unleash your creativity and take your game development skills to the next level with Unreal Engine 5? Look no further! This comprehensive course covers everything you need to know, from creating your Unreal Engine 5 project to publishing your masterpiece on the Epic Games Store.


You’ll start by diving into the fundamentals of Unreal Engine 5, learning how to set up a wheeled vehicle sports car blueprint and implement input actions using the latest enhanced methods. Explore the intricacies of car animation blueprints and tackle player collision on dynamic snowing maps for added realism.


But that’s just the beginning! We’ll delve into advanced topics such as creating a pickup class for in-game items, unleashing destructive Niagara effects and immersive soundscapes, and seamlessly integrating with the Epic Games developer portal.


Discover the power of the Epic Games developer portal as we guide you through organization, product setup, and connecting it to your Unreal Engine 5 project. Learn to implement secure sign-in functionality to players’ Epic Games accounts using a combination of C++ and blueprint scripting, and explore essential tools like EOS Auth for authentication.


But wait, there’s more! Dive deeper into player engagement with features like uploading player data using save game objects, storing and retrieving player data from the developer portal, and dynamically updating widget blueprints with new cloud-loaded data.


Achievements and stats are crucial for player progression and satisfaction. Learn to create and manage achievements and stats in the Epic Games Store, and update them seamlessly from your game using C++ functions and blueprint scripting.


Finally, we’ll guide you through the process of building your game for Windows and publishing it on the Epic Games Store, reaching millions of players worldwide.


Join us on this epic journey and turn your game development dreams into reality with Unreal Engine 5!