Udemy – Unreal 5 Niagara – Simulation Stages – 5884498

Welcome to my Unreal Engine 5 Niagara Course – Simulation Stages, here on Udemy.  This course will cover some of the most advanced techniques that can be set up in Niagara.  Using For Loops to iterate over Particles in the same or other Emitters and create advanced dynamic effects.  We will also cover Grid 2D in depth, from the basics of setting up and reading and writing data, to using loops to write Particle data to the grid, to complex simulations such as Conway’s Game of Life, Reaction Diffusion Simulations and Falling Sand Sims. 


Over the course of 11.5 hours, all broken down into bite size 10-15 min videos, we cover For Loops, Grid 2D, Simulation Stages and Neighbour Grids



Each chapter contains many examples, full of handy comments, as well as a many corresponding video lectures that explains in full detail what is being done and why – so you’re learning both the techniques being used and building up a base of  background knowledge of first principal concepts, allowing you to build up your own effects in future.



With industry standard practices from my 15 year career, including 5 years of teaching Game Art at a Masters Degree level, this course will cover all various uses of Particle effects and Renderers – this course will fully equip you to add some Visual Effects life into your realtime scenes in Unreal Engine 5.