This Drupal 8 theme is responsive and retina-ready, with a super-modern grid system layout.


Latest version of Drupal 8.5+ … ultra secure version of Drupal
Lightweight proprietary Cocoon Block Builder included for easy creation of pages on-the-fly
All-custom Block Types for Midtown Architects
Valid HTML5 / CSS3 pages
Perfectly responsive
Cross browser compatible – tested in IE 9,10,11; Firefox; Safari; Chrome and Opera.
Well formatted and commented, so it should be easy to adapt and extend
Website includes: Home, About, Portfolio (filterable + 4 separate detail pages), Services (3 separate pages), Blog (+ separate Post Page), Contact
Easy combination of blocks
Retina-Ready Icons from demo plus additional ones (about 70) are included (if more are needed, 1640 vector icons can be purchased here:
Custom print css stylesheet
Documentation included