Aliens – Xenomorph Standing – 3D Print Model

Format: STL


The Xenomorph is a fictional extraterrestrial creature that first appeared in the 1979 science fiction horror film “Alien,” directed by Ridley Scott. It has since become an iconic and central figure in the “Alien” franchise, which includes several films, books, comics, and video games.

Xenomorphs are known for their aggressive and predatory nature. They are highly adaptable creatures with a life cycle that involves various stages of development. They start as parasitic organisms known as facehuggers, which attach themselves to the faces of host organisms and implant a chestburster embryo. The chestburster later emerges from the host’s body, rapidly growing into a full-grown Xenomorph.

Xenomorphs are characterized by their biomechanical appearance, combining insectoid and reptilian features. They have elongated heads with a large, tooth-filled mouth, a long and slender body, and a flexible tail that is often used as a weapon. They possess sharp claws and an inner mouth that can extend to attack their prey.

Xenomorphs are highly intelligent, possess incredible strength and agility, and are known for their aggressive hunting behavior. They are designed to be perfect killing machines, with acidic blood that can corrode through most substances, making them difficult to kill.

Throughout the “Alien” franchise, Xenomorphs serve as the primary antagonists, terrorizing the crew of spacecraft and space colonies. They are often depicted as formidable adversaries, capable of outsmarting and overpowering their human adversaries.

The Xenomorphs have become iconic figures in the world of science fiction and horror, representing the ultimate nightmare of a deadly and relentless extraterrestrial creature. Their unique design and menacing presence have captivated audiences and influenced countless works in the genre.