Damage, Resource and Stat System


Independent Components
All components can be used independently.
For example you can use the resource component alone.

Damage calculation
Damage Calculation includes resistance and penetration values, crit chance and crit damage.
The Crit feature can be deactivated.
You can create mixed damage types that use different resistance values.
(for example FrostFire that will be reduced equally by Frost and Fire Resistance).

Resource management
Resource components can be used to manage mana, health, shields, rage or similar resources.
Among other things, there are options available to adjust regeneration delay / interval / value, as well as maxvalue.

Gameplay effects
Gameplay effects can be used to create buffs and debuffs or to execute damage over time effects. It´s possible to stack and / or refresh them if several are active at the same time and perform events based on the stack size.

Dynamic values
All values can be adapted dynamically, this includes float values from all possible components, such as resistance, crit chance, regeneration delay,(…).
Base Values, that can be changed for example by an inventory, serve as a basis for calculations. Modifiers like +30% can be added to the base value.

Technical Details

Damage calculation and processing
Dynamic (float) values
Resource management

Number of Blueprints:
Components: 3
Librarys: 2
DamageTypes: 1
Enumerations: 4
Structures: 2
GameplayEffects: 5
Widgets: 1
Example Blueprints: 36+

Input: Mouse/Keyboard
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Asset version: 4.24-4.25
