Fog Gradients


Fog Gradients is a Post-Process effect that allows you to layer different colors over distances and directions.
It uses Color Curves which can be edited in real time, giving you the freedom to create the perfect look for your environment, whether it be stylized or realistic. All of the many settings use tool-tips, customize the shader to suit your project’s needs.

How do I use it?

It’s easy, here’s how to get started:
Create a Color Curve
Add Color Curve to the T_FogGradients Curve Atlas
Create a Material Instance from M_FogMaster
Inside the new Material Instance, set the Atlas Row to the corresponding row in the Curve Atlas
Add a post-process volume (Make sure you’re inside the volume)
Add the Material Instance to the Post Process Materials Array
Edit the Color Curve and Material Instance to get the desired looks that fit your scene.

Technical Details

Forest Example Map
Color curve presets
Example material instances
Example of an actor that can interact with the fog
Height fog settings
Tool-tips on all material settings
Material functions
VR Compatible

Large environment support with new examples
More settings & improved UX
Full mobile support including example landscape
Improved control over color blending (Existing color curves will need adjusting)
Master material in materials folder
Improved height fog
Affected by wind settings
Option to “Engulf” the camera in fog, similar to the in-built exponential height fog.

Number of Meshes: 6
Number of Textures: 19
Number of Materials: 23
Number of Material Functions: 3
Number of Blueprints: 1
Number of Curves: 7
Supported Development & Target Platforms: Desktop, Mobile, VR
Important Notes: The forest assets originate from Soul: Cave by Epic Games but the materials and textures have been tweaked to look their best in the forest setting.