
“Age of Egypt” typically refers to the historical period during which the ancient civilization of Egypt thrived, spanning thousands of years. This period is often divided into several distinct eras, each characterized by its own cultural, architectural, and historical developments. Here are some of the key eras within the “Age of Egypt”:

Predynastic Period: This was the period before the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. During this time, various city-states and regions developed their own cultures and practices.

Early Dynastic Period: This era marks the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the rule of the pharaoh. The capital moved to Memphis, and the first Egyptian dynasties were established.

Old Kingdom: Known as the “Age of the Pyramids,” this period saw the construction of the iconic pyramids, the establishment of centralized bureaucracy, and the growth of religious beliefs.

First Intermediate Period: Following the collapse of the Old Kingdom, Egypt experienced political fragmentation and a decline in central authority.

Middle Kingdom: The Middle Kingdom marked a reunification of Egypt and a period of stability. Pharaohs focused on improving infrastructure and welfare projects.

Second Intermediate Period: Similar to the First Intermediate Period, this era saw political fragmentation and foreign influence, particularly from the Hyksos.

New Kingdom: Often considered Egypt’s “Golden Age,” the New Kingdom saw the rise of powerful pharaohs, expansion of the empire, and the construction of monumental structures like the temples of Karnak and Luxor.

Third Intermediate Period: Following the New Kingdom, Egypt experienced a period of political instability and foreign rule, with the country divided among various dynasties.

Late Period: During this time, Egypt came under the influence of various foreign powers, including Persians, Greeks, and Romans.

Ptolemaic Period: This era began with the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great and was characterized by the rule of the Ptolemaic dynasty, which was of Greek descent.

Roman Period: Egypt became a Roman province after the death of Cleopatra VII, marking the end of independent Egyptian rule.

Throughout these eras, Egypt’s culture, architecture, religion, and societal norms evolved, leaving a rich and lasting legacy that continues to captivate people’s imagination to this day. The Age of Egypt has left behind iconic structures like the pyramids, Sphinx, temples, and tombs, as well as a complex mythology and cultural heritage that have influenced art, literature, and popular culture across the world.


“KitBash3D – Age of Egypt” is a digital asset kit designed to provide artists with a collection of 3D models and assets inspired by ancient Egyptian architecture, culture, and landscapes. KitBash3D is a platform that offers pre-made 3D models and assets for artists and designers to use in their creative projects, such as video games, films, concept art, and more.

The “Age of Egypt” kit from KitBash3D includes a variety of 3D models that allow artists to easily create scenes and environments reminiscent of ancient Egypt. These models may include architectural elements like pyramids, temples, columns, and statues, as well as natural elements like sand dunes and palm trees.

Using kits like “Age of Egypt,” artists can save time by using pre-made assets instead of creating everything from scratch. This can be particularly helpful in visualizing and designing scenes that require specific cultural and historical details.


Delve into the captivating world of Age of Egypt, where ancient wonders and a rich, vibrant history come alive. Construct awe-inspiring cities with iconic pyramids, magnificent temples, and lively bazaars nestled along the Nile’s banks, surrounded by the enigmatic whispers of the past. Age of Egypt offers an immersive experience, bridging the sands of time to ignite your inner pharaoh. Seize the opportunity to forge an unforgettable civilization amidst the splendor of an eternal empire.


As part of our mission to enable and inspire creators of the virtual frontier, we hold ourselves to a high standard. We’re always looking ahead to stay on top of technology trends, ensuring the assets we build are premium quality to meet the needs and expectations of any film or game studio in the industry.

For an optimum experience, the following are the minimum technical recommendations to utilize all our Kits to the fullest:



Poly Count 29.3M

Model Count – 350 Models

Material Count – 107 PBR Materials


Designed by:

Adrian Sallusti, Casper Prick, Arthur Haefeli, and Fion Lim

Modeled by:

Lienny Ruiz, Timo Farbach, Michael Reese, and Mario GimenezMichael Reese

Texturing by:

Gabriela Herrera, Lee Siassi, Anderson Araujo, and Alexey Druzhkov

Graphic Design by:

Keaton Nugent