Landscape Generator 3

The Landscape Generator Three is by far the most advanced version of our generator yet. The terrain generation system has been entirely reworked and moved to a biome-based system. The new biome based system allows for greater diversity in your terrains and allows different environments in a single landscape.


The new Landscape Generator has been reworked to the point where it has been moved to the Unity editor. In the future, we will continue to improve the editor features for the Landscape Generator. We have also started to implement a system for previewing where and how the generated terrain will look. This new viewing engine, while fairly simple, is very expandable and will definitely be given features in the future.

Some Landscape Generator Three Features:
– Biome-based terrain generation and mapping
– Saving and Loading landscape profiles.
– Full customization of setting for Unity terrains in the generator.
– Infinite texture layers
– Infinite number of biomes
– Infinite objects
– Insane detail and density of object placement
– Fast, Easy, and Affordable to use.
– Easy to use UI
– Mass detail object placement
– Autosaving
– Heightmap masking with curves
– Object map masking with curves
– Map exportation to .png files.
– Quick and easy support.


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