Lens Flares


This asset pack is a powerful tool that allows you to create modular lensflares. The materials used to render the effect are used in a custom blueprint, totally independent and fully functioning without using a postprocess volume.
Each material has a wide number of parameters controlling every element of the light effects separately, such as color, brightness, size and orientation: so if you want to render a lens flare effect, every image, every flare can be modified independently from others.
Every texture can be modified or combined with other textures in this asset pack or with your own images. A lot of the images included in the pack are in a versatile alpha greyscale mode, so one inside the material they ca be easily coloured and combined together.

Lens Flares Pro includes three master materials:
Simple: a cheaper material with less parameters and textures than the other two in order to be built faster and give a more minimal look.
Directional: All flares are set to face the central point of of light. This material gives you control of the highest number of textures and parameters together.
Axis: In this material all flares can be set to follow the camera position in different proportions for x and y axis (relative to the camera). Flares can be totally projected onto one axis, completely ignoring the other coordinate, or partially projected with a linear interpolation.
The blueprint allows smooth fading effects based on time. The transition time can be set independently for fading in and out.

Technical Details:
Blueprints: 1
Materials: 3
Material Instances: 9
Material Functions: 7
Textures: 66 (256 – 2048p)
Maps: 1
