Motion Matching System

Create the most realistic, grounded animation system for your character and NPC’s in under half an hour. Easy to set up with minimal additional learning involved.
Included on purchase is a full set of suitable motion matching animations ready and inside the demo project.
The Motion Matching System integrates seamlessly into the final Animation Blueprint so you can customize the results even further and blend between states just as you normally would.
The Future is here. The Future is Motion Matching.
Also once the project is installed please download our example project for your matching Unreal Engine version to get started faster.

Technical Details:


Create a full locomotion system in a matter of minutes
Designed for optimal performance in game
Pre-packed with animations to test the motion matching system

Code Modules:
MM – Runtime (Performs calculations for Motion Matching)
MMEditor – Editor (Handles the UI Interface)

Network Replicated: Yes (requires additional setup and bypassing root motion – technical knowledge required)
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox Ones, iOS, Android, Oculus, SteamVR / Vive, GearVR, HTML5
Important/Additional Notes: Please download the project files that match your version from here once your plugin is installed (The sample project won’t run correctly unless the plugin is installed), please make sure you use Long-Form (Dance Card) animations with this plugin.

Asset version: 4.20-4.22