Papsikels Cyberpunk – Law Upholders – Judge Dredd – 3D Print Pack

Format: STL


Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction that originated in the 1980s. It typically portrays a near-future dystopian world where advanced technology, particularly in the fields of computing, cybernetics, and artificial intelligence, has become intertwined with society. Cyberpunk stories often explore the dark side of technology, highlighting themes of corporate control, inequality, and the dehumanizing effects of a hyperconnected and technologically dependent world.

Key elements of cyberpunk include a gritty and urban setting, often featuring towering mega-cities, neon-lit streets, and a stark contrast between the wealthy elite and the impoverished underclass. Cyberpunk narratives frequently revolve around hackers, mercenaries, detectives, and other characters on the fringes of society who navigate a dangerous and corrupt world.

Cyberpunk stories often delve into themes such as information warfare, virtual reality, cybernetic enhancements, artificial intelligence, surveillance, and the loss of privacy. The genre often questions the impact of technology on human identity, social order, and individual autonomy.

The seminal works of cyberpunk include novels like William Gibson’s “Neuromancer,” Bruce Sterling’s “Mirrorshades” anthology, and movies like “Blade Runner” and “The Matrix.” The cyberpunk genre has since expanded and influenced various forms of media, including video games, anime, and tabletop role-playing games.

With the release of the video game “Cyberpunk 2077” by CD Projekt Red, cyberpunk gained renewed popularity and mainstream attention. The game, set in the year 2077 in the fictional Night City, embraces many of the cyberpunk tropes and themes, offering players an immersive and dystopian experience.

Overall, cyberpunk explores the intersection of advanced technology, societal issues, and human nature, providing a compelling and often cautionary view of the future. It continues to captivate audiences with its dark and gritty visions of a technologically driven society.


Judge Dredd is a fictional character and a flagship character in the British comic book series 2000 AD. Created by writer John Wagner and artist Carlos Ezquerra, Judge Dredd first appeared in 1977 and has since become one of the most iconic characters in British comics.

Judge Dredd is set in a dystopian future where crime is rampant, and society has collapsed into massive urban mega-cities. In this setting, the Judges act as both law enforcement officers and judges, possessing the power to arrest, judge, and execute criminals on the spot. Judge Dredd himself is the most famous and feared Judge in Mega-City One, the primary setting of the series.

Dredd is known for his unyielding dedication to upholding the law and maintaining order in a chaotic world. He is depicted as a stoic, no-nonsense character who strictly adheres to the justice system of Mega-City One. Dredd wears the iconic Judge uniform, including a helmet that obscures most of his face, and carries a wide array of advanced weaponry and gadgets.

Throughout the comic series, Judge Dredd faces a range of adversaries, from common street criminals to powerful villains and corrupt politicians. The stories often explore themes of authoritarianism, justice, morality, and the complexities of maintaining order in a violent and lawless society.

Judge Dredd has been adapted into various media, including live-action films, animated series, video games, and novels. The character’s popularity has endured over the years, making him a cultural icon and one of the most recognizable characters in the realm of comic books.