Procedural Terrain Generator


Easy and lightweight plugin for procedural terrain generation within the editor, using your own assets.
The Procedural Terrain Generator (PTG) is a blueprint-friendly editor code plugin that allows you to apply different noise algorithms to create different terrain shapes with water, nature, and actors in just a few seconds.
The PTG has an Actor that can be configured within the editor or via Blueprints. The main purpose of this plugin is to save a lot of work and time by procedurally creating different terrains in a matter of seconds within the editor (it is not designed to generate infinite chunks of map on runtime).
All the assets shown in the gallery and videos are from other asset packs and from the starter content.

Technical Details

Main features:
Procedural terrain mesh creation using up to 10 different noise algorithms.
Procedural water mesh creation with height customization.
3 different terrain shapes: plane, cube, and sphere
Creation of terrains using a static mesh for the tiles (only available on plane terrains).
Tilable terrains (only available on plane terrains).
Add a ton of nature and actors procedurally located using your own assets choosing between the earth surface or underwater.
Blueprint-friendly library to generate different shapes and use it with the UE4 ProceduralMeshComponent.
Support to create Static Mesh asset from generated terrain mesh.
Support to create heightmaps as png images from Plane terrains.

Code Modules:
FastNoise (Runtime)
RuntimeMeshComponent v4.1.3 (Runtime)
ProceduralTerrainGenerator (Runtime)
ProceduralTerrainGeneratorEditor (Runtime)
Number of core Blueprints: 8 (without counting all setters and getters)
Number of C++ Classes: 2
Supported Development Platforms: All, except iOS, Mac, Android and Win32
Supported Target Build Platforms: All, except iOS, Mac, Android and Win32
Tested on: Windows 10/i7 6700K/GTX 1060/16GB DDR4 Ram

Asset version: 4.25