Roman and Celtic Pack


This package contains over 250 assets from the Iron age period including weapons, items, environment, and armor. All assets are PBR compatible and suitable for FPS projects.
Rome and Celtic package contains many quality assets that are suitable for any Ancient history inspired project, with many variations of Roman – Celtic armor and weapons, additionally provided are environment assets such as plants, rocks, and building assets to populate scenes.

Technical Details

Extensive variation of ancient weapons and shields including over 90 assets for variety.
86 different props assets are provided for scene diversity.
Building assets are split into modular and non modular assets, mainly modular assets are fences and large fortification walls, which allow for creation of custom forts.
Shields, armor, and weapons assets are modeled from realistic historical references and replicate real historical items as close as possible with a bit of customized style.
PBR compatible assets with included Textures such as diffuse, roughness, AO, and normal map.

Texture Sizes: 512×512 to 2048×2048
Average weapon Texture size is 1024×1024
Average armor Texture size is 1024×1024
Average buildings Texture size is 2048×2048 for larger objects

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

Majority of assets are Static Meshes, Animated Meshes are some weapons and siege items:
-battering ram and onager
-dead fall trap

Collision: Yes – automatically generated (with exception of grass, which does not have collision).
Vertex Count: Vertex count ranges from 200 up to 20.000 per asset, but average vertex count for weapons is 600.
Average count for armor is between 1000-2000.
LODs: No
Number of Meshes: 295
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 266
Number of Textures: 1182
Number of Sounds: 31
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS