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SuperHero Amazon for G8F Volume 1

DAZ Studio 4.9.4 (Needed for G8F/M)

File Types:
(not specified)

Base Figures: Genesis 8 Female

SuperHero Amazon is a set of flying poses for G8F. Daz Studio Only.

20 Poses for G8F + A-Pose
10 Mirrored for G8F
Total of 21 Poses

Background by https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=OsvBKOtV&id=ADE52299FCBAEFE1C16544629EEAC8839A83C3AA&thid=OIP.OsvBKOtVuZ6fYv3Rwt4YgwEsCU&q=paradise+island+wonder+woman&simid=608002972351463492&selectedIndex=66&ajaxhist=0