Superior RPG Kit

Main features:
* Single and Multiplayer Ready!
* Third Person or Top-Down mode
* Main Menu (with offline, host and join options)
* Game Settings
* Keymappings
* Save and Load
* Inventory
* Equipment
* Storage
* Crafting
* Skill Tree
* Skills System
* Quick Access Bar (for Skills and Items)
* Level and XP
* Stats
* Attributes
* Buffs
* Effects
* Quests (with Collectable Objects and Trigger Areas)
* Achievements
* Notifications
* Dialogues
* NPCs
* Vendors
* Interaction System
* Enemies (with Spawners)
* Advanced Enemy AI
* Respawn Points
* Targeting System (Third Person exclusive)
* Player Hero AI (Top-Down exclusive)
… and growing!

UPDATE 1.1 AI System
new advanced AI system, improved enemy spawner, improvements to combat and interaction systems

Technical Details

Number of base Blueprints:
27 blueprints
21 actor components
14 blueprint interfaces
3 blueprint function libraries
3 save game blueprints
73 widget blueprints

Input: Mouse and Keyboard
Network Replicated: YES!
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linus, Mac