UE4 Landscape Auto-Materials

ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode

Remove the technical side of UE4’s Landscape creation, with my Master Landscape Auto-Material pack!


-Procedural foliage generation per layer – automatically generates where you paint – with the option of removing it where you want

-Blended Tessellation (Displacement) between multiple material layers

-3 layer procedural auto-texturing, based off of terrain slope angle

-Procedural water height mask with shore material / foliage generation

-Distance blend between different UVs to reduce tiling

-Comes with over 2.5 hours of tutorial video, including material / scene optimization examples

-Optional World-Machine support for Flow-maps, with tweakable colors per layer (Flow on Rock can be grey, Flow on Grass can be green, etc)

-Optional World-Machine support for distance textures – albedo / roughness / normal

-Includes a Foliage Master material that you can combine your World-Machine diffuse with (Matches the color of the grass with the color of your terrain texture)

-Top Layer (Grass in the example) macro-variation masks give you the ability to have two types of material on one layer, and spawn procedural foliage on both. Useful for flower variations, etc

-Paintable puddle material

-Optional World-Space Coordinates (Tri-Planar) for all layers

-Shader is commented on and organized – easier to understand and learn from

-The product comes with an example map and some free foliage assets and textures from Epic’s Kite demo, all for testing purposes

-Grass ground texture – made by CCO textures