Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing Tutorial


In this tutorial Zbrush to Poser “Simple Clothing” we will see just how easy it is to quickly create cloths for your poser figures. With just a couple of simple steps we will create a shirt and jeans using Zbrush’s simple to use tools. A few clicks of the mouse button is all it will take to turn our almost automatically created objects into clean flowing geometry to cover our figure in a stylish outfit. After watching this 3+ hour tutorial you will no longer be afraid of Zbrush in all it’s power and will be making your own outfits with ease!

We will:
Export a Figure from Poser
Create Clothing with a few Simple Clicks
UV map inside Zbrush using their integrated tool
Learn how to easily tell Zbrush where we want seams
Optimize our Clothing Objects
Paint Textures
Use the Noise Feature to Replicate Cloth Texture
Make Normal Maps
Make Displacement Maps
Use Photoshop to Remove pesky Seams that tend to show in Poser
Prepare our Object to be Rigged as Conforming Clothing
Rig and Inject Morphs into our Clothing Easily using a Figure in Poser

We will do all of this in just under 3 and a half hours! Join me in this easy to follow tutorial and start creating NOW!!


Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing part 1 26:16… 235MB
Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing part 2 11:41… 123MB
Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing part 3 14:43… 162MB
Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing part 4 11:38… 100MB
Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing part 5 20:25… 198MB
Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing part 6 16:07… 130MB
Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing part 7 19:21… 194MB
Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing part 8 14:28… 88.8MB
Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing part 9 27:09… 270MB
Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing part 10 07:51… 60.9MB
Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing part 11 38:45… 260MB

Total Running Time: 208 minutes
Total File Size: 1.78GB
File Format: .WMV (Windows media video)


To follow along you will need:
Video Player to play Windows Media Video (.WMV)
Zbrush (4R6 used in this video)
Poser 6 or above, Later versions would be required to inject morphs automatically (Poser Pro 2014 is used in this video)
Photoshop (CS5 used in this video)
3rd Party 3d Modelling program to cut up your objects, edit material names, and do the internal naming; such as: Blender, Maya, Max, etc… (Maya is used in this video)

Download File: Zbrush to Poser Simple Clothing Tutorial

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