Cat Girl 101

Product Name : Cat girl 101.
Produced with Unreal Engine version 5.3.
Includes one character and simple background props.
IK controller was created using the Unreal Engine control rig creation function.
You can use the character controller to do poses and animations.
It consists of PBR material and 4K textures.
By applying post-process material, it has a cartoon style feel.

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.3
IK Control Rig.
PBR Material / 4K Textures.
Cartoon style.
Rigged : Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton : No
Animated : Yes
Number of Animations : 4 / Includes default animations ( Idle / Run / Walk / Jump ) from Unreal Engine 5.
Number of characters : 1 / 1 character.
Vertex counts of characters : 20,640
Number of Materials and Material Instances : Using Master Material: 1 / Instance Material: 4
Texture Resolutions : characters – 4096 x 4096 (4k) 15 sheets / Demo Assets – 1024 x 1024 (1k) ~ 4096 x 4096(4k) 25 sheets
Number of Textures : 39
Windows : Yes
Mac : No

Documentation : Map example: Catgirl_101\Content\Cat_Girl\Maps\Demo_Map.umap

Important/Additional Notes : You will need to run Open Level Sequence CR_Cat_Girl_Body_Take1 on the example map.



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