Home Page: _https://www.daz3d.com/midnight-moves-animation-for-victoria-4
Midnight Moves Animation for Victoria 4

Compatible Figures: Victoria 4
Compatible Software: Daz to Unreal Bridge, Poser, Daz to Blender Bridge


Three Hundred Twenty frames of Victoria dancing her Midnight Moves. Combining key-frame animation by SKAmotion and Motion capture created by Beyond Motion, this beautifully animated sequences contains morph animation for facial expression bring realism and believability.
AniBlocks for DAZ Studio, Animate and Poser Sets for Poser and DAZ Studio are provided.

What’s Included and Features

    320 frames of dancing animation pose set for poser and DAZ Studio
    Dance1_NoMorphs ( has facial expression )
    320 frames of animation AniBlocks for aniMate
    Dance1_NoMorphs (has facial expressions )