CM291697 – Rhyolite + Gold Dust Fonts Bundle
 4 TTF 4 OTF| 4.22 MB RAR
I love ghost towns and all things weathered. This worn-edge font is inspired by the old mining town of Rhyolite, Nevada that has long since seen its heyday. Rhyolite’s few remaining walls are weathered wood, pock-marked sandstone and crumbling granite and I wanted to pay tribute to those souls who dared to mine in this desolate landscape.
Additional Notes:
  • Switching the anti-alias setting to “smooth” in Photoshop may produce the best results.
  • RHYOLITE and GOLD DUST should perform better in opentype applications.
  • GOLD DUST is highly detailed and may process slowly on some systems.
  • GOLD DUST might display poorly on screen at smaller sizes than the preview sample sizes listed above. This is meant to be a display at larger sizes.