Cable Tie


Cable Tie gives you the ability to combine multiple output pins into a single output pin. It is basically a reroute node on steroids! Additionally, you can store all the combined values in a variable or a container, just like a struct.

There are also some bonus features:
New ways of using “Make Array/Set/Map” nodes, like creating an array from outputs of multiple nodes with just one click!
Cable Tunnels, which are like reroute nodes, but with separate input and output nodes with an invisible connection between them.

Blueprint nodes to make/break a Cable Tie that combines multiple pins into one pin.
New context menu actions for easy creation and modification of not only a “Make Cable Tie” node but also “Make Array/Set/Map” nodes.
Cable Tunnels for connecting parts of the graph without a visible cable,
The Cable Tie & Tunnels can be optimized away, like simple reroute nodes.
The Cable Tie can also be stored for later use in a simple variable or a container.
Works with class blueprints (actor, component, object, etc.), level blueprints, and animation blueprints.
Works in event graphs, functions, and macros.
Supports most of the types: numerics (int, float, etc.), strings, texts, names, objects, and classes.
Does not support reference parameters.
Code Modules:
CableTie (UncookedOnly)
Number of C++ Classes: 3
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS
Supported Target Build Platforms (cooked): Desktop, Mobile, VR



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