Crash Test Robot Dummy v4.26-4.27

A pack of 3 stylized robots : Male, Female, Heavy.


Rigged to unreal : YES
Customizable Materials : YES
Animations : YES
Physics Asset : YES

Retargetable to the unreal mannequin animations so you can use all the animations from the marketplace with these characters

Materials have controls for different parts of the textures: colors, metalness, roughness, emissive..

Animations provided : idle, crouch walk, crouch idle, slide, and retargeted animations for basic movement,

Animation blueprint and character blueprint with comments set up as an example for the character control, [W] [A] [S] [D] – movement, hold [SHIFT] for running, [C] for crouch, [SHIFT] +[W] + [C] for slide, [1], [2], [3], to change between the models

Asset version: 4.26-4.27