Poly Art Animals Forest Set v3.4a

They’re so many amazing Low Poly Art Environments but is so sad that there’s no wildlife to populate them.. So here is some beautiful animals! (Forest Set)

⚠ Important ⚠

If you want to use all the features to control the animal you need to have the Animal Controller (AC) on your project

To use the AC with the animals please follow this Quick Guide.

⚠ Please know ⚠

For Version Lower than 3.0: Remove all the files on the Malbers Animations Folder and re-import the assets back again to avoid Errors with older scripts no longer used.

⭐Each animal set come +62 AAA Animations. with a total of 767 Animation Clips!!!!

Textures Easy to modify (128×64) Color Chart

Asset version: 3.4a