Graphicriver 7667950 – 3D Map Generator 2 Isometric
Add-on Files Included Layered PSD, Transparent PNG, JPG Image, Photoshop ABR, Photoshop ASL, Photoshop ATN, Photoshop CSH, ZXP file | Works With PSD | Minimum Adobe CS Version CS4
3D Map Generator 2 – Isometric
Extension panel for (MAC + PC) Photoshop® CS6, CC, CC-2014, CC-2015, CC-2017 and newer
Actions set for (MAC + PC) Photoshop® CS4 and higher
The 3D-Map-Generator-2 is a complete new development of the popular „3D Map Generator Pro“. Now it is possible to determine the size of the 3D-Map by yourself. The isometric orientation of the 3D-Maps offers new possibilities in usage and design. With the new surfaces, layer structures, ground and background effects and the Top-Layer-Designer you can design your map more individual and more detailed