Weather Maker is the most complete weather, water, volumetric cloud/fog/light, terrain overlay and sky system for Unity. With both 2D and 3D modes, Weather Maker is the last asset you will need for weather, sky and more in your Unity app or game. Full C# source code and shader code is provided! Just drop a prefab in your scene and it’s ready to go! Weather Maker will save you thousands of hours of development time.

Weather Maker is many assets in one. Weather, sky, water, volumetric clouds, light and fog, lightning, ambient sound and more. You could spend 300 USD or more buying the pieces individually and then spend a few months integrating them together, or you could just get Weather Maker and have everything already integrated. AAA games, indie games, prototypes and apps are all a great fit for Weather Maker.

Scriptable Render Pipeline
Weather Maker supports Lightweight Render Pipeline (2019.1 Unity or newer with LWRP 5.X) and Standard Pipeline (2017.4 Unity or newer). Please see instructions in the readme.txt file on how to turn on Lightweight Render Pipeline.

Weather Maker has been tuned for years for maximum performance. Whether on the bleeding edge of desktop GPU or VR or even mobile, Weather Maker will run smoothly. Weather Maker adapts to the Unity quality level to ensure maximum FPS.

Volumetric Clouds
Using state of the art shaders and performance techniques, volumetric clouds look beautiful and won’t bog down your frame rate. Rolling, whispy and epic clouds react to ambient, directional lights and lightning for that AAA look and feel. Even cubemaps and water reflection show the clouds effortlessly. Cloud probes allow easy access to cloud density for any Transform component (and run on the GPU!). To top it off, you can fly-through the clouds and god rays are built into the clouds.

Atmosphere and Sky
Weather Maker contains an industry standard, BSD licensed physically based sky and atomspheric scattering solution. Atmospheric scattering and sky sphere blend seamlessly with your scene, producing a gorgeous planet curve at the far plane. The sky sphere can render many texture types including night sky with rotation, along with day and dawn/dusk textures. No cube map is needed, just one 2D texture. Performance is superb. All of this is configurable.

Weather Effects
Weather effects include rain, snow, hail and sleet. Collision with scene is optional. Particle systems are lit properly by all lights in your scene. All weather effects fade cleanly both visual and audio to ensure a life-like and smooth experience. Wind is bundled as well and affects particles and trees. Sound dampening prefabs are provided to handle cases where the player goes inside. Animated puddles on ground available too. Null zones ensure that weather stays away from indoor areas.

Weather API Integration
Weather Maker integrates with open weather map out of the box, but it’s super easy to create your own weather api provider.

Aurora Borealis / Northern Lights
Spice up your night sky with the beautiful aurora borealis. Customize colors, shape, detail, height, animation and much more. The aurora renders smoothly around your planet, even from space!

Weather Zones
Easily attach a weather profile to a collider and create a weather zone. As the player moves into the zone, weather changes randomly to the profile for that zone. Add null zones with a box collider (with rotation and scale) to block precipitation, fog, etc. from showing in a certain area (building, cave, etc.). Or just activate the global weather zone for instant random weather with one click! Integrates great with vegetation studio pro biomes.

Day/Night Cycle
Weather Maker contains a fully functional day and night cycle. Ambient light, directional light, shadows, latitude, longitude, planet axis and more are configurable. Sun and moon position is accurate to the date and time. Stars rotate during the night with just a single night texture. No cubemap needed.

Water is built right in. For the price of other water only assets, you get Weather Maker with water! Drop a dynamic water prefab in your scene and get one draw call full light support. Performance is perfect, even on VR and mobile! Weather Maker has the only water on the asset store that renders reflections in VR in multi-pass and single pass stereo. Underwater mode with water fog is supported and looks great with the new post processing stack. Waves, caustics, shore-line, water profiles, tesselation and auto water height map give you the best water in the asset store.

Volumetric Fog and Lights
Weather Maker fog is a full screen effect that has been tuned to run on the lowest end devices. No branching and ray-tracing and one draw call and the fog still looks amazing. A fog box and sphere prefab is also included. Volumetric light is supported for point, spot, area and directional lights as well. The main directional light (sun) even has a volumetric shadow option! Other